Credit for Prior Learning
You may be closer to earning a degree than you think! Genesee Community College recognizes that “prior learning” may be equivalent to college-level credit. Prior Learning is non-college or experience-based learning that has been attained outside the sponsorship of accredited postsecondary education institutions. Credit for Prior Learning includes knowledge acquired from work and life experiences; community and volunteer extension courses; individual study and reading; civic, community and volunteer work; and participation in informal courses and in-service training sponsored by associations, business, government, and industry.
Not sure if Credit for Prior Learning is right for you? Take our quick survey to discover which Credit for Prior Learning options you may be eligible for!
Credit for Prior Learning is awarded within the following standards:
- Proficiency credit is recorded on the student transcript using the grading mode of “CR”. Please check with your desired transfer institution, if applicable, to determine if your Credit for Prior Learning is accepted to their institution.
- Credit is limited by the College Residency Requirement. To be awarded a degree at least half of the student’s credits must be earned through Genesee Community College courses.
- Credit will not be awarded to students who have earned credit in equivalent course work.
- Credit earned will only be awarded to registered Genesee Community College students or accepted students who intend to register in the proceeding semester.
Credit for Prior Learning at GCC can be earned in several different ways including, but not limited to: Standardized Examinations, Pre-approved CPL opportunities and CPL portfolio assessments.

Contact Us
Transfer Services
Student Success Center
Phone: 585-343-0055 x6325
Fax: 585-345-6810
Standardized Examinations
In developing an academic plan your advisor may discuss the possibility of receiving course credit by taking standardized exams that test prior learning knowledge. Depending on your score, the exam results may be used to meet some of GCC’s course requirements within a degree program. GCC accepts exam scores from the following examination programs:
Advanced Placement (AP)
A grade of “3” or better must be achieved to be awarded credit. An official grade report must be received by Genesee Community College directly from College Board to be awarded credit. Course Equivalents at GCC are subject to change based on changes to exam content and structure offered by the College Board.
GCC Code: 2272
Fee: None
Examination | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
Art History | ART 103 & Art 104 | 6 |
2D Art & Design | Art 105 | 3 |
3D Art & Design | Art 127 | 3 |
Art — Drawing | ART 110 | 3 |
Biology | Score of 3: BIO 100 | 3 |
Biology | Score of 4 or 5: BIO 115 or BIO 125/125L | 4 |
Precalculus | Score of 3: MAT 136 | 3 |
Precalculus | Score of 4 of 5: MAT 140 | 4 |
Calculus AB | Score of 4 or 5: MAT 141 | 4 |
Calculus BC | Score of 3: MAT 141 | 4 |
Calculus BC | Score of 4 or 5: MAT 141 & MAT 142 | 8 |
Chemistry | Score of 3: CHE 100 | 3 |
Chemistry | Score of 4: CHE 101 or CHE 103/103L | 4 |
Chemistry | Score of 5: CHE 101 & CHE 102 or CHE 103/103L & CHE 104/104L | 8 |
Computer Science A | Score of 3: CIS 125 | 3 |
Computer Science A | Score of 4 or 5: CIS 125 & CIS 219 | 7 |
English Language/Composition | ENG 101 | 3 |
English Literature/Composition | ENG 101 | 3 |
English Language/Composition & Literature/Composition | ENG 101 & ENG 105 | 6 |
Environmental Science | SCI ELE | 3 |
European History | HIS 105 | 3 |
French Language | Score of 3: FRE 102 & FRE 201 | 6 |
French Language | Score of 4 or 5: FRE 201 & FRE 202 | 6 |
Human Geography | LIB ELE – *meets World History & Global Awareness | 3 |
German Language | FLG ELE | 6 |
Macroeconomics | ECO 105 | 3 |
Microeconomics | ECO 101 | 3 |
Music Theory | MUS 201 | 3 |
Physics 1 | PHY ELE | 4 |
Physics 2 | PHY ELE | 4 |
Physics 1 & 2 or Physics B | PHY 121 & PHY 122 | 8 |
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism | PHY 132 | 4 |
Physics C: Mechanics | PHY 131 | 4 |
U.S. Government & Politics | POS 101 | 3 |
U.S. History | HIS 203 & HIS 204 | 6 |
Psychology | PSY 101 | 3 |
Spanish Language | Score of 3: SPA 102 & SPA 201 | 6 |
Spanish Language | Score of 4 or 5: SPA 201 & SPA 202 | 6 |
Statistics | MAT 129 | 3 |
World History | HIS 102 | 3 |
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Genesee Community College accepts but does not administer these exams. For test information, registration and locations contact CLEP directly. Credit awarded based on the minimum score recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE). An official score transcript must be received by Genesee Community College directly from CLEP to be awarded credit. Course Equivalents at GCC are subject to change based on changes to exam content and structure offered by the College Board.
GCC Code: 2272
Fee: None
Examination | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
American Government | POS 101 | 3 |
Biology | BIO 100 | 3 |
Calculus | MAT 141 | 4 |
Chemistry | CHE 100 | 3 |
College Algebra | MAT 136 | 3 |
College Composition | ENG 101/102 | 6 |
College Mathematics | Mathematics Electives | 3 |
Composition & Literature – Analyzing & Interpreting |
LIT 201 | 3 |
Composition & Literature – American | LIT 212 | 3 |
Financial Accounting | ACC 101/102 | 6 |
French Language – Levels 1 | FRE 101/102 | 6 |
French Language – Levels 1 & 2 | FRE 101/102/201/202 | 12 |
German Language – Level 1 | Foreign Language Credit | 6 |
Human Growth & Development | PSY 203 | 3 |
Humanities | Humanities Electives | 6 |
Inform. Sys. & Computer App. | CIS 102 | 3 |
Introductory Business Law | BUS 205 | 3 |
Introductory Psychology | PSY 101 | 3 |
Introductory Sociology | SOC 101 | 3 |
Natural Sciences | Science Electives | 3 |
Pre-calculus | MAT 140 | 4 |
Principles of Macroeconomics | ECO 105 | 3 |
Principles of Management | BUS 101 | 3 |
Principles of Marketing | BUS 213 | 3 |
Principles of Microeconomics | ECO 101 | 3 |
Social Sciences and History | Social Science Electives | 6 |
Spanish Language – Levels 1 | SPA 101/102 | 6 |
Spanish Language- Levels 1 & 2 | SPA 101/102/201/202 | 12 |
Statistics | MAT 129 | 3 |
U.S. History 1 & 2 | HIS 203/204 | 6 |
Western Civilization 1 & 2 | HIS 104/105 | 6 |
Excelsior College Examinations
Credit is given for examinations administered under the sponsorship of the Excelsior College Examination Program when a grade of “C” or higher is earned.
GCC Code: 2751A
Fee: None
Examination | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
Accounting Level 1 | ACC 101 & ACC 102 | 6 |
Marketing Level 1 | BUS 213 | 3 |
Principles of Management | BUS 214 | 3 |
Human Resource Management | BUS 207 | 3 |
Foundations of Gerontology | HUS 124 | 3 |
Statistics | MAT 129 | 3 |
Survey of Psychopathology | PSY 202 | 3 |
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Genesee Community College accepts but does not administer these exams. An official grade report must be received by GCC directly from International Baccalaureate to be awarded credit. Credit will be awarded for HL exams only based with a minimum score of “4”.
Fee: None
Examination | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
Biology | BIO 125/125L and BIO 126/126L | 8 |
Chemistry | CHE 103/103L and CHE 104/104L | 8 |
Economics | ECO ELE | 3 |
English A Language & Literature | ENG 101 (3) and ENG ELE (2) | 5 |
Geography | GEO 102 | 3 |
Physics | PHY 121 and 122 | 8 |
Pre-Approved Credit for Prior Learning
Students may have acquired college-level learning from non-college professional development programs, training experiences offered by an employer, professional associations, community-based organizations or military experience. GCC recognizes learning completed with the following organizations:
To request credit through this process, you will need to complete the Pre-Approved Credit for Prior Learning Form and upload a copy of your current certification.
American Heart Association
Card must be presented within one year of certification date.
Certification | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
CPR (Infant, Child, Adult) | HED 107 | 1 |
CPR/BLS | HED 107 | 1 |
Child Development Associate (CDA)
Students with a current CDA Certificate awarded by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition are eligible to be awarded credit.
GCC Course | Credits |
HUS 107 | 3 |
HUS 108 | 3 |
HUS 109 | 3 |
Military Education and Experience
Documentation of the student’s JST (Joint Service Transcript), must be provided, and a review is made using the “Guide to Evaluation of Military Experiences in the Armed Services” published by the American Council on Education. Students should request an official JST be sent to Genesee Community College.
Two credits of physical education elective may be awarded by presenting a copy of form DD-214 to the Records Office for those who opt not to send a JST.
National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS)
Students may earn credit based on NCCRS recommendations. Noncollegiate organizations that have been evaluated by NCCRS include The American Institute of Banking and Dale Carnegie and Associates, Inc.
Official transcripts should be submitted to
National CPR Foundation
Card must be presented within one year of certification date.
Certification | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
CPR/AED/First-Aid (Adult/Child/Infant/Choking) | HED 107 | 1 |
Standard – CPR/AED | HED 107 | 1 |
National Safety Council
Certification must be current when card is presented.
Certification | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
Emergency Medical Response Training | HED 205 | 3 |
NYS Basic Police Training
Students who have successfully completed the New York State Basic Course for Police Officers are eligible to be awarded credit.
GCC Course | Credits |
CRJ 101 | 3 |
CRJ 110 | 3 |
CRJ 112 | 3 |
CRJ 160 | 3 |
CRJ 206 | 3 |
CRJ 222 | 3 |
HED 205 | 3 |
PED 132 | 1 |
NYS Department of Health
Certification must be current when card is presented.
Certification | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
Emergency Medical Technician | HED ELE | 3 |
Certification must be current when card is presented.
Certification | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
First Responder | HED ELE | 2 |
Certification must be current when card is presented.
Certification | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
Open Water Diving | PED 111 | 3 |
Red Cross
Certification must be current when card is presented.
Certification | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
CPR (Infant, Child, Adult) | HED 107 | 1 |
Community First Aid & Safety | HED 107 | 1 |
CPR for the Professional Rescuer | HED 107 | 1 |
First Aid: Responding to Emergencies | HED 205 | 3 |
Life Guarding | PED 109 | 3 |
Walt Disney World Co-Op
Students enrolled in the Genesee Community College Cooperative Education course at Disney who have successfully completed specific Disney courses are eligible to be awarded credit.
Disney Course | GCC Course Equivalent(s) | Credits |
Communication | BUS 106 | 3 |
Human Resource Management | BUS 207 | 3 |
Organizational Leadership | BUS 214 | 3 |
ExpEARiential Learning | BUS 219 | 3 |
Credit for Prior Learning Portfolio Assessment
This assessment process examines knowledge you may have gained outside the classroom through work and life experiences, training programs, or other non-traditional learning methods and evaluates it for college credit. Here are a few questions that will help you to decide if you should consider this option:
- Is your learning exactly or closely equivalent to a specific course listed in the College’s catalog?
- Is your learning in subject areas that coincide with courses necessary to meet your degree requirements here at the GCC?
- Do you understand the principles behind what you do, or have done, as well as the steps involved in doing it?
- Is your knowledge current?
If you decide to pursue this route you will be expected to demonstrate proficiencies equal to or exceeding the knowledge gained in the course learning objectives. A faculty member will be assigned to you assist in documenting your prior learning and creating a portfolio. Your portfolio will then be assessed to determine credit recommendations.
Fee: $75 per course
For further information regarding CPL please contact the Transfer Services Office.